60% parents support PICKids; Sarawak’s children Covid-19 vaccination rate reaches 6.8%

Abang Johari (centre) addressing the press while Uggah (left) and Dr Sim listened on.

By Ling Hui

KUCHING, Feb 12: Survey by Sarawak State Health Department (JKNS) has found 60.3 per cent of 41,350 respondents who are parents agreeing to the Covid-19 vaccination programme for kids (PICKids).

Another 14.5 per cent, however, chose not to allow their children to receive the Covid-19 vaccination, reasoning with worries about safety and side effects.


Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg, in stating this, also noted Sarawak has achieved 6.8 per cent vaccination rate out of a total of 286,000 children since the launch of PICKids on Feb 3.

While thanking the parents who are supportive of this programme, he urged those who are still hesitant to follow suit as soon as possible.

“If this programme can be successful, we can have face-to-face learning very soon and our school sessions will resume.

“This will benefit our children as their education will no longer be disrupted. So, I hope parents who have not made up their minds to quickly get their children vaccinated.

“It will be safe because our health experts have done their researches,” he said during a press conference after visiting the vaccination process at Kota Sentosa health clinic here along with Deputy Chief Ministers Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas and Dato Sri Dr Sim Kui Hian today.

Touching on vaccination for children in rural and remote areas, Abang Johari pointed out that the approach will be similar to the programme for adults.

This time will be easier, he said, because vaccination teams will be heading to schools directly rather than having to set up vaccination centres like previously.

“It will be more or less the same. We will use helicopters, whenever necessary, to bring the doctors and vaccines (to the remote areas),” he added.

Today at Kota Sentosa health clinic, a total of 308 children from SJKC Chung Hua Stampin and SJKC Chung Hua Pangkalan Baru are receiving their first doses of vaccines. — Dayakdaily
