1,191 out of 1,339 applications for KGC in Bukit Saban approved

Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas

SPAOH, Oct 5:  Out of 1,339 Kenyalang Gold Card (KGC) applications in the Bukit Saban constituency, 1,191 of them have been approved.

Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas said the State Welfare Department has provided many assistance to the people including KGC to senior citizens.

“Another recent programme worthy of mention is the introduction of the KGC for senior citizens to enjoy special privileges and discounts at participating businesses.


“There is even the RM3,000 death compassionate assistance which can be claimed by the next-of-kin of the cardholders.

“I have been told some 1,191 out of the 1,339 applications for the card in the Bukit Saban seat had been approved.

“I am urging more senior citizens to apply for it as the card will have more goodies attached,” he said during the launching of the Agriculture Department Community Outreach Programme( AgriCOP) at Rh Enteri Lengkoi in Samu, Paku near here yesterday.

Uggah who is Bukit Saban assemblyman added the Sarawak Welfare Department also offers childbirth incentives and post natal assistance to mothers.

He said the Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) government has provided many types of assistance as well as self-improvement and income generating programmes for the people.

Uggah who is Second Finance Minister said most of Sarawak government’s assistance and programmes were geared towards helping those in rural areas of the state. —DayakDaily
