Sarawak govt injects RM33 mln to stimulate socio-economic initiatives in Bukit Saban

Uggah (left) rings the gong to officiate the new Nanga Pek longhouse in Spaoh.

by Dayak Daily Team

SPAOH, April 12: Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas has revealed that the Sarawak government has earmarked RM33 million for socio-economic activities aimed at fostering income generation among the residents of his Bukit Saban state constituency.

Additionally, Uggah announced an allocation of RM25 million for the upgrading of the Ulu Rimbas road, benefiting 13 longhouses in the area.


Speaking at the inauguration ceremony of the new Nanga Pek longhouse and housewarming event in Spaoh today, Uggah praised the unity, leadership, and resilience demonstrated by the inhabitants of the newly built longhouse.

He commended their determination in replacing the old wooden structure with a modern, concrete one despite facing numerous challenges.

“This is because you all have chosen to speak in only one voice. I am very proud of your achievement. It has not been an easy task,” Uggah remarked.

Uggah expressed satisfaction in witnessing the tangible benefits of development, noting that Nanga Pek is now accessible by an hour’s drive from Kuching via the Pan Borneo Highway; a significant improvement from the previous journey that involved walking and boat rides.

Commending the longhouse community for prioritising education, Uggah lauded their achievement in producing 19 graduates, including two PhD holders and a medical doctor currently undergoing specialist training.

Through their investment in education, Uggah noted, the residents have seen an improvement in their standard of living, affirming, “Now your today is better than your yesterday, and your tomorrow will be better than today.”

The 24-door longhouse at Nanga Pek, constructed on August 20, 2012, was completed two years later.

Among the dignitaries present at the ceremony were Uggah’s wife, Dato Doreen Mayang, Deputy Minister of Youth, Sport, and Entrepreneur Development Datuk Gerald Rentap Jabu, Betong MP Dr Richard Rapu, and Krian assemblyman Friday Belik. ā€” DayakDaily
