Soo: Stop political leaders outside Sarawak from entering state during PRN12

Lina Soo (file photo)

By Ling Hui

KUCHING, Oct 5: Sarawak People’s Aspiration Party (Aspirasi) president Lina Soo urges the state government to stop political leaders in Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah from entering Sarawak if the 12th State Election (PRN12) is to be held soon.

“Can the Sarawak government stop political leaders from Malaya (Peninsular Malaysia) and Sabah coming into Sarawak if PRN12 is held in November, as many political leaders are now infected with Covid-19 due to the Sabah election,” she said.


She added that the actual number of infected cases across Malaysia from the Sabah state election has not been finalised yet, so it would be better not to risk the people’s health security by taking political advantage.

“Opportunism is callous and cold-hearted if carried out for the political advantage at the expense of the citizens who are denied their rights to exercise their votes which is only once in five years.

“The Sarawak people’s mandate only expires mid-year in 2021. With another nine months to go, why deny Sarawakians’ rights to a fair vote?

“If they have ruled the nation well, there is nothing to be scared of if the GPS (Gabungan Parti Sarawak) government truly has the people’s welfare and health concerns at heart,” said Soo in a statement today.

Further emphasising that the incumbent government should place the people’s priorities first, she explained that many layers of the community are still recovering from the financial upheavals from the first outbreak of Covid-19.

At the moment, many voters especially the elderly are not coming out to vote and Sarawakians working outside Sarawak will not be able to return to vote.

“By holding an election amidst a pandemic is denying them their democratic rights to universal suffrage,” said Soo.—DayakDaily
