Youth, junior dancers shine in ISTD Medal Test, ready to represent S’wak for Bailando Open Championships

Dancers pose with teachers Jap (back row, third left) and Ngiap (back row, third right).

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, April 3: 14 youth and junior dancers from Alexis DanceSport Studio have recently showcased exceptional skills during the Medal Test conducted by the esteemed Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing (ISTD) based in the United Kingdom.

According to a press release, the dancers underwent evaluation by Jill Bush, a distinguished ISTD examiner, in the DanceSport category, encompassing both Latin and Standard Ballroom dances, where they received praise for their outstanding performance.


“Alexis DanceSport Studio has been encouraging its dancers to partake in the annual Medal Test as a way to gauge their progress in dancing and learn from renowned ISTD experts.

“Their recent achievements clearly show that our local dancers are capable of performing at the highest level recognised internationally,” read the press release.

Guided by dedicated teachers Alexis Jap and Ngiap Ker Sing, three of the dancers, Vincent Bong Jun Tong, Amber Tan Ling Xin, and Angus Tan Yan Hong, along with support from the Sarawak DanceSport Association, are set to represent Sarawak in the Bailando Open Championships 2024 in Johor Bahru from April 6-7, 2024. — DayakDaily
