30 orphans receive Hari Raya gifts from Yayasan Farley

A group photo of the orphans and others with Minos (back row, standing sixth right) during a Ramadan function organised by Yayasan Farley.

By DayakDaily

KUCHING, April 3: In a heartwarming gesture to uplift the spirits of 30 orphans here for the upcoming Hari Raya Aidil Fitri celebration, Yayasan Farley distributed ‘duit raya’ and other gifts to the children.

Expressing gratitude, Kota Samarahan Municipal Council (MPKS) chairman Dato Peter Minos, thanked Yayasan Farley for remembering the orphans during the holy month of Ramadan.


Minos expressed hope that this contribution would bring joy and appreciation to the orphans, providing them with a pleasant break.

“It was both impressive and touching,” Minos remarked after attending and witnessing the event yesterday.

He urged everyone to remember and think of these orphans who have lost their parents due to various reasons, emphasizing the importance of not forgetting or neglecting them.

“Life without your parents is very sad and pitiful, and for no fault of your own. We, the fortunate ones, must not forget or forsake them,” Minos emphasised, drawing attention to the duty and responsibility of society towards the disadvantaged.

He also drew parallels with the efforts of other groups like the Salvation Army in supporting orphans, emphasising the collective responsibility to assist those in need. — DayakDaily
