Yong questions GPS govt’s sincerity in giving one-off BKSS 7.0 financial aid to SMEs

Yong holding a piece of document for the application of the one-off financial assistance for SMEs.

KUCHING, Nov 3: Pending assemblywoman Violet Yong has questioned the sincerity of the Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) government’s Bantuan Khas Sarawakku Sayang (BKSS) 7.0 RM10,000 one-off financial assistance to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) business owners.

She said many SMEs business owners had received an electronic mail (e-mail) from the State Economic Planning Unit (EPU) last week, informing them that the supporting documents they submitted earlier for the one-off assistance applications were incomplete.

She noted the e-mails sent by EPU were too general and did not specifically state clearly the reasons that led to the failures of their applications, while at the same time, demanding them to re-submit the required documents before Nov 13.


“The GPS Government is creating uncessary hassle to the business owners when requesting them to re-submit the documents, and the government is just not sincere in giving the fund to assist the business owners.

“Besides that, there are two new requirements stated in the letter which include all documents must affix the company chop and the submission of payment receipt of Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN) trading license renewal.

“Is the Sarawak GPS government sincere to help the businesses through BKSS 7.0?

“Why create all these troubles for the business owners?” she questioned in a statement today.

Yong who is DAP Pending branch chief believed that if the GPS government was sincere in helping the SMEs, it can obtain all the required documents through the government database.

To her, there was no need to keep asking eligible business owners to submit those  documents.

Yong said she will assist all business owners facing difficulties in re-submitting the required documents to ensure all of them may receive this financial aid under BKSS 7.0.

Business owners having problems with document resubmission or having difficulties in understanding the requirements are welcomed to contact her for assistance.

On Aug 4, Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg announced that the Sarawak government will provide a one-off RM10,000 financial aid for active businesses registered in Sarawak under BKSS 7.0.

He said the measure will help to ease the financial burden of approximately 40,000 active businesses in Sarawak while the financial assistance will be disbursed in two tranches, RM5,000 in first phase and the balance of RM5,000 in second phase. — DayakDaily
