Yap: A vote for me is a vote against ‘racist chauvinism’

Wilfred Yap Yau Sin

KUCHING, Dec 11: Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) candidate for N12 Kota Sentosa Wilfred Yap Yau Sin pledges to Kota Sentosa constituents that voting for him is a vote against ‘racist chauvinism’.

According to Yap, who is also Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) Kota Sentosa branch chairman, SUPP started as a multiracial party and gradually over the years have been “cornered” into a Chinese party when in fact the party’s DNA is still a multiracial party which is apparent in its membership.

Yap said he intends to return to SUPP’s original mission that is ‘Justice for All’ and that will mean that the party’s policies and missions will include all races, regardless of creed and status.


“In our youth development agenda we pledged to create a job fair, incubator programme and better access to higher learning; this will be for all races and not just the Chinese.

“In our solutions for the Stampin resettlement scheme area, we will deploy help where ever is needed regardless of race and religion.

“It is our main policy that racist chauvinism be eradicated and we create an environment that is conducive for communal living that is color blind and mutually respectful,” he said in a statement today.

Meanwhile, Yap assures that SUPP do not prescribe to the Democratic Action Party’s (DAP) Malayan DNA.

He claimed that DAP didn’t solve National Economic Policy (NEP) when it had power to do so.

“Because it benefits them they left it alone to keep the Chinese at odds with the rest of Malaysia. DAP will also not complain if a drain is clogged because they want the anger to fester and then capitalise on it as if it was the voters against the government and DAP was on the voter’s side.

Yap also pointed out that SUPP are on board with the mission to eradicate the Malayan brand of politics where races are pitted against one another in order to keep power.

“Our mission to wrest back Kota Sentosa from DAP is to stop this decline and bring back the Sarawakian Chinese who like all other Sarawakians look at each other as one and care for each other as one,” he said. — DayakDaily
