Winning Lanang and Sibu seats will give GPS more power in Parliament, says Dr Sim

Dr Sim (seated fourth right) and others participating in a miring ceremony at the function.

SIBU, June 19: GPS must win the two Parliamentary seats of Lanang and Sibu in the 15th General Election (GE15), says SUPP president Dato Sri Dr Sim Kui Hian.

The two seats are currently held by Democratic Action Party (DAP) where the incumbent for Lanang is Alice Lau while Oscar Ling represents Sibu.

Speaking at a joint installation and Ngiling Bidai 2022 function for Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) Bawang Assan and Pelawan branches today, Dr Sim who is also the Sarawak Deputy Premier said a win for Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) through SUPP candidates would give more power for GPS when fighting for the restoration of the State’s rights in Parliament.


“In the election, I hope Sibu people will give their fullest support to GPS so that we can win back the two seats for us to fight in Parliament for the return of the State’s right under MA63 (Malaysia Agreement 1963),” he said.

The SUPP president added that the State in particular wants autonomy over education and health matters.

“We want to have autonomy over education as without it we need to get permission from the federal government to build schools and have our own school syllabus. With power over education, we want 90 per cent of teachers teaching in the State to be Sarawakians,” he emphasised.

According to Dr Sim, Sarawak is entitled to about RM6 billion a year for the two sectors as 95 per cent of oil royalties are with the federal government.

“It is not enough to just give power back to us as we need money also for the two sectors,” he said.

On candidates for the two seats, Dr Sim said five SUPP branches had been told to nominate candidates.

“The branches will nominate then we will pick the right candidate. I have chaired the SUPP liaison committee meeting for Lanang. I will come here again for a similar meeting for the Sibu seat. This is to start our preparation for the election,” he added. — DayakDaily
