Warrior monument in honour of Rosli Dhoby to be built at Sibu town square

Ting (second from left) with Dr Annuar on his left and others during the handing over ceremony at the site.

SIBU, Dec 4: A 30-metre warrior monument in honour of local warrior Rosli Dhoby and three other nationalists, will be built at Phase 2 site of the town square.

The building, which is equivalent to 10-storey high, will be constructed in January next year at a cost of RM700,000. It is expected to be completed in six months’ time.

Speaking to reporters at the site handing over ceremony today, Assistant Minister of Housing and Public Health Dr Annuar Rapaee said the place was chosen for the monument due to its significance in the history of the state.


At the ceremony, a representative from the Land and Survey Department handed over the project to chairman of Sibu Municipal Council, Clarence Ting.

The council will open a tender to appoint a contractor to build the monument.

He said on Dec 4, 1949, the second governor of the state, Duncan Steward was murdered by Rukun 13 members which comprised Rosli Dhoby, Awang Ramli Amit Mohd Deli, Morshidi Sidek and Bujang Suntong at a site near the proposed monument project.

“We have chosen this site as the event (murder) happened not far from here. This is in remembrance of the four warriors,” he emphasised.

Dr Annuar said they would only display the last letter of Rosli Dhoby before he was hanged to death for the murder in the monument as the State Islamic Council had advised them that no human figure should be manifested there.

Rosli Dhoby was sent to the gallows on the morning of March, 2, 1950.

A nephew of Rosli Dhoby who is keeping the letter, would hand it over to them.

“The design of the monument represents the struggle of the four warriors for independence of the state from colonial rule,” he added. — DayakDaily
