Unity the best weapon against Peninsular Malaysia’s bullying, reminds Minos

Dato Peter Minos (file pic)

KUCHING, Oct 4: Unity is Sarawak’s best weapon to stand strong against any attempt of Peninsular Malaysia’s “rough play or bullying”, says Political pundit Dato Peter Minos.

Minos, in highlighting this, thus emphasised that a repeated victory by the Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) during the 15th General Election (GE15) will be most welcomed.

“People all over Malaysia will surely say ‘jangan main main with Sarawak’ (do not play the fool with Sarawak). There will be big respect for Sarawak, not just admiration.


“The adage of ‘united we stand, divided we fall’ is true all the time. Sarawak will do very well to remember this,” he said in a statement today.

Minos, who is also Kota Samarahan Municipal Council (MPKS) chairman, reminded that a united GPS is the best insurance for Sarawak to get back all its powers and rights under Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) as well as to demand for funding from the Federal-controlled Petronas which had gained its wealth from extracting oil and gas from Sarawak.

“Experience tells us that when we are weak and disunited, Sarawak voices will be weak and others will play around with us Sarawakians which will put us at a disadvantage and even face detrimental consequences,” he said.

With that, Minos added that it is only wise for GPS to look after Sarawak’s affairs closely and stay away from the endlessly quarrelling and sabotaging among politicians and political parties in Peninsular Malaysia.

“There is little and in fact nothing we in Sarawak can do. Such is the political culture that they (Peninsular Malaysia) themselves cannot even handle and it seems impossible to do so.”

With GPS now focused on winning 31 parliamentary seats in GE15, Minos said if this victory can be achieved, it will truly reflect Sarawak’s solid unity and gain the respect from people all over the country. — DayakDaily
