Unemployed man arrested for allegedly possessing homemade firearms

A pump gun seized from the suspect.

SIBU, June 20: An unemployed man has been apprehended for allegedly in possession of homemade firearms on Friday.

Sibu District deputy police chief Supt Collin Babat said at about 11.45 pm last night, a police team made a raid on a longhouse in Mile 16, Jalan Oya and arrested the 31-year-old suspect.

“An investigation on the suspect resulted in the seizure of a homemade shotgun in his bedroom, a pump gun, 21 marbles and a pouch in the ceiling,” he added


The suspect does not have a permit to own the firearms.

Supt Collin said the suspect is being remanded for investigation under Section 8 (a) of the Firearms Act 1960. -DayakDaily
