Uggah: Melaka election results show people reject opportunists seeking positions

Uggah (centre) presenting a certificate to an AgriCOP programme participant.

SPAOH, Nov 22: Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas believes the Barisan Nasional (BN) victory in the Melaka state election on Nov 20 showed voters rejecting opportunistic politicians who cared more for positions rather than serving the people.

He added the results of the Melaka election is a clear sign that the people want a strong and stable government.

“Only a very strong and stable government can work out and implement policies and programmes to bring more development and progress.


“In Sarawak, our GPS (Gabungan Parti Sarawak) government too is very strong and stable.

“That is why we are seeing many development programmes, big and small, have been and are being implemented statewide.

“Sarawakians who want to see these continuing uninterrupted should give their full support to GPS in this election,” he said during his speech when officiating at an Agriculture Community Outreach Programme (AgriCOP) at Rh Jimmy Ngelambai in Ulu Bayor near here yesterday.

Meanwhile, BN won 21 of 28 seats in the Melaka state election last Saturday while the remaining seven seats were won by Pakatan Harapan (five seats) and Perikatan Nasional (PN)(two seats).

On the upcoming 12th Sarawak Election (PRN12), Uggah expressed his belief the Election Commission (EC) and the Ministry of Health (MoH) would introduce strict standard operating procedures (SOP) to protect the people from being infected by Covid-19.

“Like in the recently concluded Melaka state election, there will be no more huge crowds of supporters accompanying their respective candidates to the nomination centres.

“For us, there will be no huge gatherings to campaign at longhouses and no entertainment programmes.

“Such restrictions are for our own good as the pandemic is still with us,” he added. — DayakDaily
