Uggah: GPS’ landslide win reflects public’s confidence in CM’s leadership

Uggah greets community leaders at the programme held at Spaoh Community Hall on Feb 5, 2022.

SPAOH, Feb 5: Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) did very well in the 12th Sarawak Election because of the public’s continued strong faith in the leadership of Chief Minister Tan Sri Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg.

His deputy Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas said GPS had been able to convey its message to the people that it is important to elect a chief minister who could lead the State to greater stability, harmony, progress and prosperity.

“The people had great faith in us and supported us and the end result was that we were able to win 76 out of the 82 seats contested.


“This fine achievement however comes with the great responsibility of giving back to the people what they deserve; serving them to the best of our ability.

“All of us from the GPS, we must give our best shot,” he said at an appreciation reception for Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) Bakong, Ubar and Rimbas Ili sub-branches for their hard work in securing GPS’ win in the Saribas constituency at Spaoh Community Hall here today.

Also present were Saribas assemblyman Mohd Razi Sitam who is now the Assistant Minister of Women, Childhood and Community Wellbeing Development and Betong MP Datuk Robert Lawson Chuat.

Uggah said the Betong Division was very fortunate that Layar assemblyman Dato Gerald Rentap Jabu too had retained his seat and is now appointed the Assistant Minister of Youth, Sport and Entrepreneur Development.

Uggah also mentioned that in order to serve well, all elected representatives need feedback from the people of their development plans and expectations as well as help to free the poor from the shackles of poverty.

He also said among the GPS’s top priorities now was to find ways on helping the rural folks to generate stable income such as practicing modern agriculture and to bring in internet connectivity and enhancing existing services.

“In Betong, the State government have approved the setting up of agroparks at Bebuling and Lubok Tamang apart from the RM108 million Bebulling Airport project.

“The agroparks are model agriculture set-ups to teach the people modern agricultural practices like precision farming including livestock farming.

“There would be regular consultations between the people and the relevant departments and agencies on the such and other plans for them,” he elaborated.

On another issue, Uggah advised longhouse folks who reared pigs for their own consumption to heed the advice of the Veterinary Services Department to protect their livestock from the deadly African Swine Fever. — DayakDaily
