Two dead after a canteen in Bintulu destroyed by fire

Firefighters seen putting out the remains of the fire that engulfed the workers canteen.

Bintulu, Jan 9: Two local men were found dead after a canteen in Usaha Estate was destroyed by flame, yesterday.

State Fire and Rescue department (Bomba) operation center said they received an emergency call from the Emergency Medical Rescue Service (EMRS) regarding the incident at 9.05pm and a team of firefighters from Bomba Bintulu was deployed to the scene led by PBKII Stephen Plen.

“One of the deceased was found inside the bedroom, while the other one was found near the canteen payment counter by firefighters after putting out the flame,” the statement said.


The two victims were identified as Wong Ling Poung, 47, and Lee Hua Hing, 23.

The cause of the fire and total loss are still under investigation by the fire department. The operation was also assisted firefighters from Bomba Samalaju led by PBKII Mohd Alimun. —DayakDaily.
