Three longhouses in Beluru receive Fire Relief Assistance from S’wak govt

Dr Penguang Manggil (seated left) together with Ik Pahon (seated right) during the Miri Division Fire Relief Assistance Approval dialogue session, on Friday. Photo credit: Ukas

KUCHING, Oct 16: Three longhouses in Tinjar Beluru have been allocated Fire Relief Assistance worth a total of RM4.41 million from the Sarawak government.

According to a news report from the Sarawak Public Communication Unit (Ukas) today, the matter was discussed together during the Miri Division Fire Relief Assistance Approval dialogue session, held at Miri Resident Office, yesterday.

As a result, for Beluru district, a total of three longhouses will receive the Fire Relief Assistance and payment will be made through a grant to the Village Security and Development Committee (JKKK) of the respective longhouses for the construction of new residential houses.


A total of RM1.47 million has been approved for 21-door Rh Langat Anthony Collin in Nanga Majang which was destroyed in a fire in 2018, followed by RM1.33 million for 19-door Rh Jeff Anchum in Bukit Limau A, that was destroyed in a fire earlier this year.

An additional RM1.61 million was also approved for Long Aton Village that caught fire in 2017.

The dialogue session was attended by Assistant Minister of Local Government Datu Dr Penguang Manggil, Deputy State Secretary Datu Ik Pahon Joyik and Miri Resident Officer Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusuf. — DayakDaily
