Tchee to get his dream house soon, albeit after tragic circumstances

Tchee in a group photo with Thian (in black suit) and GPS Youth members. Also seen are eldest son, Kian Hao (third from right), and second son, Kian Siang (fourth from right).

By Karen Bong

KUCHING, Jan 30: Tchee Foh Hin, whose son Kian Jong was one of the three individuals killed in the CityOne Megamall explosion on Dec 4 last year, today received a great Chinese New Year gift — a piece of land to build his own house.

His dream was materialised with assistance from Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) Youth. The Land and Survey Department (LSD) also chipped in by expediting the survey process.


LSD senior officer Thian Choon Kui presented the land title for a lot at Lorong 10A Stampin Resettlement Scheme to Tchee in a simple ceremony at the department office in Jalan Badruddin here this afternoon.

The premium for the land measuring 400 sq metres, or 10.6 points, for a 60-year lease has been settled by GPS Youth.

GPS Youth, represented by Assistant Minister of Youth and Sports Datuk Snowdan Lawan, Tupong assemblyman Fazzrudin Abdul Rahman and also SUPP Youth chief Michael Tiang and secretary general Milton Foo, were present.

“I’m very happy, of course, to finally have land to build a house,” said Tchee, who was accompanied by his sons Kian Hao and Kian Siang.

“I’ll leave it to the state government to decide on the assistance to construct the house. I hope construction work can start after Chinese New Year,” he added.

Recently, Pending assemblywoman Violet Yong gave an assurance that the Pakatan Harapan (PH) federal government had agreed to build a house through Syarikat Perumahan Negara Berhad (SPNB)’s Rumah Mesra Scheme for Tchee once a piece of land had been identified and approved by the state government.

Snowdan pointed out that in the interest of Tchee, the coalition was willing to put politics aside and cooperate with any party or organisations, including the Democratic Action Party (DAP), on this matter.

“She (Yong) has mentioned in her statement on Dec 14 last year that the PH government will help build the house for Tchee under SPNB. So, now the land has been made available, we hope Yong will assist.

“However, the state government is also prepared to provide the assistance if the need arises,” said Snowdan.

Snowdan thanked Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg for giving his attention to this matter.

“The unified strength from PBB, SUPP, PRS and PDP is the kind of concept GPS Youth will carry on. We will come together as one body to assist the people of Sarawak, especially the needy.

“We will walk the talk and do to our best abilities and capabilities to help Sarawakians, both in the urban and rural areas,” he assured.

Fazzrudin emphasised that GPS Youth was actively identifying the needs and problems faced by the people.

“We are the bridge that will connect the community and the government. We will bring the people’s problems and issues to the relevant agencies and try to find a solution.

“We can’t promise to solve all problems, but we pledge to do the utmost best to assist those in need and, together, help find solutions to their problems and needs,” he added.

Meanwhile, Tiang said GPS Youth wanted to play a greater role and open up to help the people of Sarawak, especially those in need as well as to serve the community. — DayakDaily
