S’wak govt hopes for stronger collaboration with Fed govt so no region in country left behind

Abang Johari addressing the Gala Night of Citrawarna Keluarga Malaysia 2022. Photos credit: JAPEN

By Karen Bong and Christopher Bishop

KUCHING, Feb 26: The Sarawak government looks forward with high hopes to continued and enhanced collaboration with the Federal government so that no region in the country will be left behind.

Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg highlighted that efforts must continue to be made between the Federal government under the leadership of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob and the Sarawak government so that stability can be sustained throughout the country.


“Efforts should also be focused on developing this country into a developed and advanced nation,” he said when addressing the Gala Night of Citrawarna Keluarga Malaysia 2022 held at Kuching Waterfront tonight.

Taib (third left) being escorted by (from second left) Abdul Karim, Abang Johari, and Ismail Sabri to the floating stage upon arrival at the carnival.

Abang Johari emphasised that Sarawak is not a foreign place for Ismail Sabri but like a second home as he is visiting for the second time since becoming the Prime Minister in August last year and in the past when he was the Regional Development Minister and in a different capacity.

“Sarawak Bumi Kenyalang is nearly the size of Peninsular Malaysia with 12 administrative divisions.

“Kapit Division, for example, is nearly the size of Pahang state. With such a huge area, Sarawak is definitely coloured with diversity and uniqueness not only among communities but also its environment,” he said.

On the Citrawarna Keluarga Malaysia, which returned after a four-year hiatus with Kuching selected as the first venue, Abang Johari believes Sarawak and especially Kuching has the strength to host the outdoor carnival in line to promote Sarawak’s cultures and unity not only to the country but the world.

“However, in view of the increase in Covid-19 cases of late, I hope that with strict adherence to the SOPs (standard operating procedures) in place for this event, the pandemic will be under control in Kuching especially and Sarawak as a whole,” he added.

He also hopes that the event will become the impetus for more visitors to come to Sarawak in the near future so that the tourism industry will continue to thrive.

Later, Abang Johari, together with Head of State Tun Abdul Taib Mahmud and Ismail Sabri, beat the drum as a symbolic gesture to open the Citrawarna Keluarga Malaysia 2022.

Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan; Minister of Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts Dato Sri Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah; Federal Minister of Tourism, Culture and Arts Dato Dri Nancy Shukri; and State Secretary Datuk Amar Jaul Samion were among the distinguished guests present. — DayakDaily

A cultural performance to enliven the Citrawarna outdoor carnival.