S’wak acknowledges Thailand’s technology to produce green energy by mixing coal, biomass

Abang Johari speaks to reporters while Sarawak Minister of Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts (MTCP) Dato Sri Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah (second left) looks on after the "Malaysia Book of Records: Most Participants in Ethnic Attire in A Choreographed Dance Performance" event held at Kuching Waterfront on May 19, 2024.

By Shikin Louis

KUCHING, May 19: Sarawak acknowledges the new technology undertaken in Bangkok, Thailand, to produce green energy by mixing coal with biomass.

Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg said during his recent visit to the neighbouring country, he noted that they have embarked on a new power generation technology called ‘cogeneration’— a mixture of renewable and non-renewable energy sources.


“In the past, we would use coal alone (to produce energy). Now, the coal can be mixed with biomass to produce green energy.

“(This technology requires) maybe 60 per cent renewable and 40 per cent coal,” he told reporters after officiating the ‘Malaysia Book of Records: Most Participants in Ethnic Attire in A Choreographed Dance Performance’ event held at Kuching Waterfront here today.

Abang Johari further explained that the cogeneration technology, which blends biomass with coal, lowers gas emissions due to the dilution process involved.

“Therefore, the mechanism of the power turbine in Bangkok is different,” he added.

Asked whether Sarawak will adopt the same technology, Abang Johari said, “Nangga dolok (See first). Turbine is not difficult to make.” — DayakDaily
