SUPP Kuching initiates Grassroots Operation 2.0 to connect people’s multifacted issues, aspirations to GPS govt

Yong (seated centre) flanked by Wung on her left in a photo with SUPP Kuching members after the press conference on Nov 30, 2023.

By Karen Bong

KUCHING, Nov 30: Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) Kuching Branch has revived its Grassroots Operation initiative with the goal of actively engaging local communities and developing a deeper understanding of the multifaceted issues, concerns and challenges faced by constituents spanning politics, economy and social spheres.

The ultimate objective is to compile a comprehensive report that can assist the Sarawak government in its decision-making and policy formulation.


The Grassroots Operation 2.0 taskforce is headed by councillor Nicholas Wung Duk Ying and assisted by councillor Bong Siak Peng as well as branch deputy secretary Chai Mian Nyen.

The operation is scheduled to commence in January 2024 for a period of six months with a possibility of extension based on the completion of identified areas and tasks.

SUPP Kuching chairwoman Datuk Lily Yong, who was actively involved in a similar initiative during the 1990s, underscored the timeliness of reviving this endeavour in supporting the Sarawak government’s progress, and especially considering that SUPP now represents more urban seats.

“We had a similar taskforce established many years back and we find that it is very useful for the political party, although it has been stopped for quite some time.

“Despite not being able to regain the Padungan and Bandar Kuching seats, we know there is a crucial need to go down and connect with the people, understand their expectations, frustrations, inspirations and suggestions to convey them effectively to the government,” she said in a press conference at the SUPP Kuching office here today.

Yong emphasised that the capital city of Kuching cannot be left out or behind in the rapid development ongoing throughout Sarawak.

She asserted that Kuching city can do better with untapped potential in terms of economy, culture and policies, all of which can be communicated to the Sarawak government through grassroot feedback.

The entire SUPP Kuching branch, along with area committees and community leaders, will actively support this operation.

Wung elaborated on the taskforce’s approach, emphasising active engagement with people from diverse social groups and facilitating direct interactions to gain a comprehensive understanding of their problems, living conditions, expectations, and aspirations.

“We will meticulously document and collect all data and feedback. Our objective is to present a detailed report to the GPS (Gabungan Parti Sarawak) government next year, providing an accurate representation of public sentiment to support well-informed decision-making.

“We aim to assist the Sarawak government in effectively addressing the challenges faced by the people, providing impactful policy recommendations and guidance for societal development,” he said.

Through this operation, Wung highlighted the aspiration to strengthen communication and collaboration between the government and the people, deepening the government’s understanding of grassroots issues with the aim of providing more targeted and effective services for grassroots residents, thereby promoting the development of various social endeavours. — DayakDaily
