State govt urged continue allocating generous funds to Unifor

Abang Johari (centre) being ushered to Bishop House by Bishop Danald (right).

KUCHING, Dec 25: The Anglican Church is appealing to the state government to continue allocating funds to the Unit for Other Religions (Unifor) in years to come, following the generous allocation of RM15 million to the Unit earlier this year.

The Anglican Bishop of the Diocese of Kuching, Right Revd Danald Jute said this was because the churches in the state, particularly the Anglican churches, were still very much in need of government assistance.

Speaking during the Anglican Bishop’s Christmas open house here earlier today, Bishop Danald said the Anglican mission — both churches and schools — have been contributing much to the development of the state in terms of social and education services, and would continue to support the state government’s mission and vision for a better Sarawak.


“On our part, I can assure you that whatever assistance is offered, every single sen will be used for the purpose for which we appealed for the funds, and perhaps even more.

“The church as you are aware, is here not so much to serve the church members. We are here alongside the state government and many, many other people of goodwill trying our level best to build a better Sarawak for us together. So in your mission and vision please know that we are with you,” said Bishop Danald.

Abang Johari (sixth left) and Bishop Danald (fifth left) are seen in a group photo at Bishop House, together with state government officials and Anglican church members.​

Meanwhile, Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg who was present at the open house, said the state government acknowledged the Anglican church’s contribution, and assured that it would continue to allocate funds to Unifor in years to come.

“The Anglican church has contributed a lot especially in the field of education. As you rightly say that your church has done a lot from the history of McDougall, we even have a road named after him, and also from the time of the Brooke era.

“We will continue with that culture. I believe this Christmas is a good time for us to look back at what we have done and perhaps try to think what we will do for the future. That is where the interaction, connectivity and cultural exchanges, will enrich us as we go forward to build a very strong Sarawak,” said Abang Johari. — DayakDaily
