‘SPP will be the voice of Sarawakians, where BN and PH have failed’

Tiew (left) and Lau contesting in Sibu and Lanang respectively.

SIBU, May 1: Sarawak Peace Party (SPP) is contesting to be Sarawak’s voice as both Barisan Nasional (BN) and Pakatan Harapan (PH) have failed Sarawak.

The party believes that both BN and PH have failed Sarawak and thus a third voice is needed.

“We are in this GE14 because Sarawak needs a voice,” said SPP in a press statement today.


The party pointed out that BN did not deserve the mandate to represent Sarawak for another five years.

“They have had our mandate for the last 55 years to get it right. So whatever is stated in their manifesto is of no significance to us Sarawakians.

“If our local BN candidates truly have Sarawak in their hearts, then we challenge your local party (state BN) to withdraw from BN and use your local party for the full benefit of Sarawak and not lend your voice and mandate to Malaya.”

The party also said that PH too did not deserve the support of Sarawakians.

“PH also does not deserve the mandate to represent Sarawakians because they have failed us on so many fronts for as many years as BN has failed us.

“The biggest failure was when DAP’s Lim Kit Siang sat in the very Parliamentary sitting that passed the law to reduce our status from “Negara” to “Negeri” in 1976 and caused us 42 years of losses in income and much suffering.

“Lim never enlightened us on this fact that Sarawak was in fact a “Negara” which had autonomous rule over her own country.”

The party said both PH and BN both acted to Sarawak’s detriment and till today neither has said that they will seek for the relevant act to be repealed so that Sabah and Sarawak’s original status as equal partners in the Federation of Malaysia is restored.

“If we are given the mandate to sit in Parliament, we shall look into the legal aspects of whether their multiple breaches and violations of MA63 (the Malaysia Agreement 1963) constitute a consensual and wilful discontinuance of the international treaty by the Federal and Sarawak and Sabah state governments and international law on treaties.

“A rule of International Law states that a treaty must be made and kept in good faith. If the parties have breached this rule by breaking fundamental terms of the treaty, this will have the effect of terminating the treaty.

“In this respect we want to look at the question of whether the parties to the treaty illegally revised the MA63 when Singapore exited in 1965 (and later gaining her independence in the same year) thereby destroying the fundamental basis of four component states forming the Federation on Sept 16, 1963.

“If MA63 is no longer binding on the parties, the just and appropriate thing to do is to hold a state referendum (which should have been done initially before the signing of MA63) on whether Sarawak should continue to be a member of the Federation,” said SPP.

SPP is contesting in two seats with its candidates Jamie Tiew fielded in Sibu and Priscilla Lau in Lanang. — DayakDaily
