Singapore delegates in town to explore business opportunities, collaboration

The Singapore Trade Mission 2022 delegates paying a courtesy call to Abang Johari today (June 15, 2022). From left to right: Siow, Lee, Abang Johari, Awang Tengah and State Secretary Datuk Amar Jaul Samion.

KUCHING, June 15: Permanent Secretary (Development) of the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) of Singapore Lee Chuan Teck leads a delegation of 37 Singaporean businessmen and government officials to Sarawak to explore business opportunities here.

The Singapore Trade Mission 2022 which was initiated by MTI saw the participation of Singapore’s mega companies including Temasek Holdings, Sembcorp Industries, Ensign InfoSecurity (Singapore) Pte Ltd and PSA International Corporation (PSA).

Managing Director of Enterprise Singapore Jeffrey Siow, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Temasek International and Vice President of Port Singapore Authority (PSA) Lee Peng Gee were part of the delegation.


The objective of the delegation is to explore the potential opportunities for Singapore to collaborate with Sarawak in various sectors including renewable energy, hydrogen, carbon capture and storage, carbon credit, digital economy and data centres, port development and agriculture.

Business matching and networking were also organised with companies in Sarawak involved in the above sectors, while business meetings were held with Sea Horse Corp Sdn Bhd, Borneo Eco Fish Sdn Bhd, Kuching Port Authority, PP Telecommunication Sdn Bhd and Sarawa Digital Economy Corporation.

The delegation took the opportunity to pay courtesy calls to Sarawak’s top leaders including Sarawak Premier Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg, Sarawak Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan, Sarawak Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas and Minister of Modernisation of Agriculture and Regional Development Dato Sri Dr Stephen Rundi since their arrival.

During the courtesy call paid to Uggah who is also Infrastructure and Port Development Minister at his office in Wisma Bapa Malaysia yesterday, PSA shared their journey and experiences in port management, which was privatised in 1997 while Temasek International gave a briefing on their venture into food security.

From Sarawak’s side, the delegates were briefed by Economic Planning Unit Director Datu Dr Muhammad Abdullah Zaidel (who is also Acting Deputy State Secretary) on the Post Covid-19 Development Strategy 2030.

Lee of MTI expressed interest to explore investment opportunities in food security, carbon capture storage, energy, data centre, hydrogen and ammonia.

Also present were Infrastructure and Port Development Deputy Minister, Infrastructure and Port Development Ministry Acting Permanent Secretary John Aten, General Manager of Kuching Port Authority Robert Lau and other key personnel from the ministry. — DayakDaily
