Sim: BKSS 5.0 announcement timely to assist Sarawakians

Datuk Sim Kiang Chiok

KUCHING, Jan 22: The timely announcement of “Bantuan Khas Sarawakku Sayang” (BKSS) 5.0 shows that the State government understands the hardship faced by Sarawakians, said Sheda Kuching branch chairman Datuk Sim Kiang Chiok.

Sim, in a press statement today, said the State government started this Covid-19 assistance, which was announced by Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg since March 2020, and now in the fifth series of the BKSS that had benefited a lot of Sarawakians.

“The State government this time has continued to reduce and delay the state statutory and utilities rates for six more months till end of June 2021. This shows the government understands the hardship we are going through in this pandemic,” he said.


He noted, during the pandemic outbreak, the virus prevention standard operating procedure (SOP) and its restriction had affected productivity and income of most Sarawakians.

“From utilities discount, assessment and land rates reduction, license fee and permits for traders, hawkers and hotel (for this year) waiver, rental waiver for government-link companies (GLC) and statutory bodies properties, including the 50 per cent rental reduction for Housing Development Corporation (HDC) housing rental scheme will also help many small traders, workers, businesses and also hotels.

“We are fortunate that our State government can afford to give this assistance worth RM405 million to lessen our burden,” he added.

Meanwhile, Sim opined the State government might still need to extend this assistance beyond June this year in order to accommodate for the Covid-19 prevention lifestyle.

“I am confident that our State government cares and will not leave anyone behind in helping us to pull through this difficult time in protecting our health and our livelihood. Until we are all vaccinated, we need to keep practicing the Covid-19 prevention SOP, wash your hands, wear your mask and keep to social distancing,” he said. — DayakDaily
