Sikie ready to defend Kakus seat against Entulu


BINTULU, July 1: Kakus assemblyman Datuk John Sikie Tayai is unperturbed with the possibility of facing off with his former party comrade Datuk Joseph Entulu Belaun in the coming state election.

He said in a democratic country like Malaysia, anyone who is qualified can contest in any election.

“It’s up to the people to choose. He (Entulu) is not a new player, he has been around and the people know him well.


“As for me, I leave it to the people to see my track record of how I have been serving the people since 1991,” Sikie told D’Drift when contacted today.

Entulu, who was former Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) deputy president was sacked from PRS along with his supporters for insubordination just before the last 14th general election in 2018, has since joined Parti Rakyat Bersatu (PSB).

Speculation has been rife that he will stand in Tamin, which was his former seat before he contested the Selangau parliamentary seat in 2004.

Nevertheless, Sikie, who is PRS vice-president does not ruled out the possibility of Entulu going to Kakus instead.

Besides PSB, other political parties such as Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK), Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) and Gabungan Anak Sarawak (GASAK) have also shown their keen interest to contest in the Iban majority seat.

On development in Kakus, Sikie who is also Assistant Minister of Native Laws and Customs said most of the over 400 longhouses are now reachable by at least logging road.

“As for water, most of them are using gravity feed while some others are using SAWAS (Sarawak Alternative Water Supply),” he said.

For power supplies, Sikie said for those who are not connected with the grid have been supplied with solar energy instead.

“Insofar as develop policy is concerned I give top priority to those in the rural areas first, and then slowly to those nearer to towns such as Tatau,” he stated.

“But since my kawasan is so large, it has been very challenging to bring in development at a faster pace,” he said.

Additionally, he vowed to bring in better internet connectivity once the 20 telecommunication towers which he requested are implemented.

“My area will be well connected with the internet once the 20 towers are operational,” he added.—DayakDaily.
