Senior Miri journalist goes bald a second time for a good cause

Ting is given the honour of shaving Jong’s hair.

By Brad Rantayy

MIRI, Sept 5: The president of the Federation of Sarawak Journalists Association (FSJA) and Northern Sarawak Journalists Association (NSJA) Andy Jong Wan Joon participated in this year’s Go Bald event to help raise funds for the Sarawak Children’s Cancer Society (SCCS).

This was Jong’s second time participating in the event.


Jong fulfilled his promise to go bald today, with Deputy Minister of Tourism Sarawak Datuk Sebastian Ting Chiew Yew doing the honour of shaving off Jong’s locks.

Also present was SCCS Miri Branch Liaison Officer Jocelyn Hee.

Jong first joined the campaign in 2018 as his way of showing support to those who have lost loved ones to cancer besides raising funds to help cancer patients.

Jong said, although he only managed to collect RM10,000 this time, he hoped it would be of help to SCCS.

He added, SCCS needs continuous support from local residents, corporate bodies and the government as the organisation helps families of child cancer patients to cover medical costs, transport, accommodation as well as provide moral support.

Go Bald is an annual campaign held to fundraise for the SCCS as well as raise public awareness about childhood cancer. — DayakDaily
