Special Contact Tracing Squad among new strategies to curb Covid-19

A screengrab of Uggah delivering his winding-up speech during today's (May 26, 2022) DUN Sitting taken from a Sarawak Public Communications Unit (Ukas) livestream on Facebook.

By Nancy Nais

KUCHING, Nov 10: A Special Contact Tracing Squad team will be set up to help Sarawak Health Department in contact tracing for Covid-19 positive cases.

Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas said this is among some of the strategies which Sarawak government, through State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) has formulated to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic.


“Apart from the Special Contact Tracing Squad team, we will enhance the ability and capacity for Health Department to conduct swab test, laboratory equipment and upgrade hospitals as Covid-19 treatment centre.

“Front liners will be provided with proper personal protective equipment (PPE). On top of providing quarantine centres for those entering Sarawak, entry guidelines will also be tighten through online application such as EnterSarawak, E-Health Declaration Form,” he said, in replying to Demak Laut assemblyman Dr Hazlan Abang Hipni during the questions and answers session at the Sarawak Legislative Assembly today.

Uggah, who is also SDMC chairman added that they are also intensifying their dissemination of information and publicity on the dangers of Covid-19 through various media channels such as print media, electronic media, social media and talks at the grassroots level.

The above strategies will also be used to deal with other epidemics in the future. — DayakDaily
