SDGA to hold AGM, talk on bankruptcy on Mar 14

Gary is one of the recipients of the Sarawak Youth Award 2019.

KUCHING, March 3: Sarawak Dayak Graduates Association (SDGA) president Gary Ningkan encouraged young aspiring Dayak graduates to join and support the association’s cause.

Gary in a press statement said that the association will be having its Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the year 2020 on March 14, which will be held at a local hotel in Kuching.

“The AGM will commence at 2pm, and we invite all young Dayak graduates to attend our AGM, and we encourage them to sign up as a lifetime member, if they have not, to support the association and its cause,” he said.


For the existing and prospective members, Gary reminded them that they are required to respond by March 10,2020, using email at or via Facebook at

Meanwhile, Gary also noted that on the same day, prior to the AGM, SDGA will also be conducting a Personal Financial Management Seminar titled “Ringgit and Sense”.

He said the main objective of the seminar is to promote financial literacy amongst the public and also to encourage the public to embark on proper financial planning for the future.

“It is not highlighted enough that our country is facing a worrying increase of bankruptcy cases amongst its citizen, particularly the youth demographic,” he said.

Gary explained that from 2015 to August 2019, there were 80,625 new bankruptcy cases recorded. Out of which the age between 25 and 44 demographic recorded 48,757 cases constituting 60 per cent.

“The main cause for bankruptcy among the young demographic is excessive spending due to expensive lifestyle.

“We recognise that it is very timely for us to embark on the awareness on the importance of financial literacy amidst current economic uncertainties. We hope that through this seminar, our participants will become more financially prudent and will be able to chart their own financial plans for their future.” he added.

Speakers from Malaysian Financial Planning Council (MFPC) and Agensi Kounseling dan Penguusan Kredi (AKPK) will be presenting their input during the seminar, covering topic such as Financial Planning for a Secure Future and Career Opportunity, and Insurance as Life Tools.— DayakDaily
