School promotes Malaysia Day with nation’s biggest Jalur Gemilang made of egg trays

Drone photo courtesy of SMK Tun Abang Haji Openg, Kuching.

KUCHING, Sept 13: SMK Tun Abang Haji Openg today created a national record for the biggest Jalur Gemilang made of egg trays, in conjunction with Malaysia Day. The feat is probably the first of its kind in the state, as well.

Measuring a staggering 140 feet by 70 feet, it took 9,800 egg trays to build the flag alone. Another 496 egg trays were needed for the wordings.

Principal Affida Helmi said it took about two weeks to prepare, and the project involved all its 1,442 students, 100 teachers, 21 administrative staff, 16 hired workers and the school alumni, who contributed items such as used egg trays.

Drone photo courtesy of SMK Tun Abang Haji Openg, Kuching.

“A total of 476 litres of paint were used, and it took the students a total of 56 hours of their extra co-curricular time to paint.

“It took about six hours to rehearse arranging the painted egg trays to form a complete giant flag on the school’s assembly field. A total of 116 Form 5 and Form 4 students participated in the main event of arranging the egg trays today,” she told reporters this morning.

Affida (right) looks on as her students busily arrange the egg trays.

Affida said the project was not only to teach students on the importance of September 16 as Malaysia Day but also to inculcate the spirit of teamwork among students from different classes.

“It is hoped that with the spirit of teamwork and patriotism, the students would learn the importance of September 16 as Malaysia Day,” she said.

This, in turn, would also help improve the image of the school, she added.

The official arrangement of the egg trays began around 7.45am, where students carried thousand of coloured egg trays in order and meticulously arranged them accordingly, much like a jigsaw puzzle.

Affida (crouching, right) affixing the last egg tray to officially complete the giant Jalur Gemilang.
Students and teachers celebrate their record-breaking feat.

It took them about an hour and 25 minutes to complete the feat, followed by a group celebration involving all students at the school, waving small flags while singing along to patriotic songs being played over the school’s sound system.

Affida said the school would be planning another record-breaking feat during next year’s Malaysia Day, but she kept the details under wraps. — DayakDaily
