42 traffic summonses issued during recent Ops Mabuk

Police personnel conducting a breathalyser test on drivers during Ops Mabuk.

PADAWAN, Sept 13: Padawan police Traffic Investigation and Enforcement Department issued 42 summonses for various traffic offences during its Ops Mabuk at MJC, Batu Kawah, last Saturday (Sept 8).

The police roadblock led by ASP Muhammad Rizal Alias conducted checks on 151 vehicles during the operation that started at 11pm and lasted nearly four hours.

Two individuals were detained for exceeding the permissable alcohol limit during the breathalyser test but have been released on police bail. They will be charged under Section 45A(1) of the Road Transport Act.

DSP Merbin Lisa

“We carried out this operation (Ops Mabuk) to detect individuals guilty of driving under the influence of alcohol to reduce road accidents to the minimal. Driving under the influence can be hazardous to the driver and other road users,” Padawan deputy police chief DSP Merbin Lisa said in a statement.

Among the traffic offences recorded last weekend included expired road tax and driving licence, driving without a valid driving licence, illegal modification of vehicles and car plate number not meeting the required specification, he added. — DayakDaily
