School every Sarawakian what GPS is all about, GPS members told

GPS Road Show members in a photo call with Rosey (wearing red tudung) and Ripin (on Rosey’s left) at Bekenu Community Hall.

BEKENU, Jan 12: It is the responsibility of all members of every component party of Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) to introduce the new political coalition to its grassroots supporters.

Assistant Minister of Women, Family and Childhood Development Rosey Yunus said this was vital to avoid confusing voters in relation to the local pact.

“Every stratum of our society should be able to recognise the official logo of GPS.


“GPS is a political entity that has a clear vision to protect Sarawak’s rights,” emphasised Rosey, who is also Bekenu assemblywoman, during the GPS Road Show at Bekenu Community Hall here today.

Meanwhile, Lambir assemblyman Ripin Lamat revealed that besides the road show, more programmes with the community would be held to let Sarawakians know what GPS is all about and its core struggles.

Ripin added that every single stratum of the community would be given very clear explanations on the direction of GPS. — DayakDaily
