Scheduled DUN sitting in Nov to proceed

Dato Gerawat Gala

By Peter Sibon

KUCHING, Oct 5: The next State Legislative Assembly (DUN) sitting will be held as scheduled in November but no dates have been fixed yet, disclosed DUN Deputy Speaker Datuk Gerawat Gala.

He said it would be mandatory for the state to hold the DUN sitting every six months.


“We have to hold it in November but we don’t know the dates yet. Only the CM knows,” Gerawat told DayakDaily when contacted today.

The last DUN sitting was held for just a day on May 11, due to the Movement Control Order (MCO) triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Meanwhile, Gerawat who is also the Mulu assemblyman disclosed that the RM1.5 billion allocation for the Sarawak Highland Development Agency (HDA) would be used mostly for road construction and for basic utilities such as water and electricity.

“Out of this RM1.5 billion allocation for HDA, RM1.2 billion is allocated for road construction in HDA area which covers the Ulu Baram area, consisting mostly of Mulu and Telang Usan constituencies,” he revealed.

Currently, two major road projects in Mulu are under construction, namely the Long Banga-Pak Dalih Road and Long Selaan-Long Moh Road, which cost RM100 million each.

“It’s not just about road construction, but it includes bridges and culverts as well. On top of that the cost of building infrastructure in rural areas is very expensive mainly due to the cost of transportation and logistics,” he added. — DayakDaily
