Saribas rep wants frequent water supply disruption in Betong District Council (MDB) Debak Stall area fixed

Mohamad Razi (left) inspecting the water tap at one of the stalls at the MDB Debak Stall area during his visit recently. Photo credit: Ukas

KUCHING, July 9: Saribas assemblyman Mohamad Razi Sitam is urging the relevant utility agencies to act proactively in addressing the frequent water supply disruptions experienced by traders in the Betong District Council (MDB) Debak Stall area.

According to a news report from Sarawak Public Communication Unit (Ukas) today, Mohamad Razi, who is also the Deputy Minister of Community Welfare Development, also proposed to build a ‘Water Treatment Plant 5MLD’ and a ‘Water Pump Booster’ for Debak District.

“This is aimed at reducing the problem of water supply outages throughout Debak sub-district,” he said when visiting MDB Debak Stalls recently.


Mohamad Razi noted, he was informed by the traders there about the frequent disruption of water supply in the past fortnight.

He also expressed his disappointment when informed that the traders who were operating on the top floor had to carry the water upstairs for cleaning work since the onset of the disruptions. — DayakDaily
