Sarawak to fund RM40 million to rebuild SK Sageng first, to claim from Putrajaya later

Abang Johari speaks during the Hari Raya Aidilfitri gathering for Simunjan district held at Dewan Mesra Simunjan on May 1, 2024. Photo credit: Sarawak Public Communication Unit (Ukas)

By Shikin Louis

SIMUNJAN, May 1: Sarawak government will allocate RM40 million to rebuild dilapidated SK Sageng, Simunjan first before claiming the building cost from the Federal government.

Sarawak Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg made this announcement when officiating the Hari Raya Aidilfitri Gathering at Simunjan District held at Dewan Mesra Simunjan today.


“I went to Kampung Sageng. I saw your school. It can’t be used by our children. It is so run down. The hall is also too broken to be used.

“The (Federal) government wanted to allocate fund for its rebuilding but the money has not been forth coming. There is nothing. It (the fund allocation) is delayed.

“As we cannot let our children having meals in a building that is not safe to be occupied, like it or not, for Awla Dris (Simunjan assemblyman) and I, I decided to let Sarawak build it first. I thus approve RM40 million to upgrade the school of Kampung Sageng, with allocation from Sarawak,” said Abang Johari.

He said later, he will “pester” the Federal government to pay back the building cost as education falls under the latter’s purview.

On July 23, 2023, Abang Johari visited the school and noticed its poor conditions including the uneven floors of the hall which the students use for recess and meals.

Despite eager to upgrade the school due to the urgency of the matter, he was not provided with the estimated building cost.

On the same day, after acknowledging that other rural schools such as SK Ulu Segan in Kemena, SK Penasu in Daro and SK Maludam in Betong all in need of urgent fixing and upgrading, he expressed the same frustration that the Federal government had not been forth coming with the allocations promised, thus forcing Sarawak to use its own funds, despite the fact that education comes under Federal government’s purview. — DayakDaily
