Sarawak Premier: Re-delineation exercise in the pipeline, further discussions needed

Abang Johari speaking to reporters during his visit to Lee's CNY open house.

By Tedong Rantayy

MIRI, Feb 12: The Sarawak government has been informed by the Election Commission (EC) about the need for a re-delineation exercise, says Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg.

“We have been informed on the need to review on the re-delineation of the electoral boundaries by the EC,” he told reporters earlier today after visiting Sarawak Minister of Transport Dato Sri Lee Kim Shin’s Chinese New Year open house in Tanjong Lobang.


Abang Johari was responding to a question posed by local media on the possibility of re-delineation of the electoral boundaries for State’s constituencies.

Abang Johari, his wife, Datin Amar Juma’ani Tun Tuanku Bujang and their entourage arrived at Lee’s residence at 11am and spent at about one hour there before proceeding to the residence of Miri Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (MCCCI) president Ling Chiong Sing at Luak Bay.

However, Abang Johari did not say how many new State constituencies would be created.

“I do not know how many constituencies will be created,” he stated.

When asked on the possibility of redelineation for the Senadin constituency, he replied the State government will engage with EC on this matter.

“We will engage with EC, because this process not only involves the Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS), but others as well,” he said.

For context, Sarawak is due for a review on re-delineation of electoral boundaries, in view of the minimum eight-year interval from the last review and delineation exercise which was conducted in 2015.

Also present to accompany Abang Johari were Deputy Premier of Sarawak Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan, Datuk Amar Prof Dr Sim Kui Hian, Deputy Minister for Public Health, Housing and Local Government Datuk Dr Penguang Manggil, Deputy Minister for Women, Childhood and Community Wellbeing Development I Datuk Rosey Yunus, Telang Usan assemblyman Datuk Dennis Ngau and other guests. — DayakDaily
