Sarawak Premier in South Korea for two-day work visit

Abang Johari being greeted upon his arrival at a hotel in South Korea on May 20, 2024. Photo credit: TVS

By DayakDaily Team

SEOUL, May 21: Sarawak Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg has arrived in South Korea for a two-day work visit starting today.

According to a TVS news report yesterday (May 20), he was welcomed by the Malaysian Ambassador to the Republic of Korea, Datuk Mohd Zamuri Khalid, upon his arrival last night (May 20).


Abang Johari—accompanied by Minister of Utility and Telecommunication Sarawak Datuk Seri Julaihi Narawi, Deputy Minister of Energy and Environmental Sustainability Sarawak Datuk Dr Hazland Abang Hipni, and Deputy Sarawak Secretary (Economic Planning and Development) Datuk Dr Muhammad Abdullah Zaidel—arrived at their hotel at 7.15pm local time.

Sarawak Economic Development Corporation (SEDC) chairman Tan Sri Datuk Amar Abdul Aziz Hussain and general manager Datu Abdul Hadi Abdul Kadir, as well as ministry officers, were also part of the delegation.

The Premier is set to lead the Sarawak government delegation in a meeting with the South Korean Deputy Minister for Energy Policy, Lee Ho-hyeon, at 11am today.

This will later be followed by lunch with Samsung E&A vice president Park Cheonhong, Lotte Chemical senior vice president Kim Yonghak, and Korea National Oil Corporation (KNOC) senior vice president Jang Jinhwan.

In the evening, the Sarawak government delegation is scheduled to visit the Yeongheung Energy Park, owned by the Korea South East Power Company (KEON).

Tomorrow, the Premier will attend a briefing on the Sarawak New Energy Hub (SNEH) and a meeting on the H2biscus Project, followed by the Joint Development Agreement (JDA) signing ceremony between SEDC Energy, Samsung E&A, Lotte Chemicals, and KNOC. — DayakDaily
