Sarawak PKR appoints new office bearers

The list of Sarawak PKR new office bearers.

KUCHING, April 17: Sarawak Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) has appointed new office bearers following the sacking and automatic termination of some members.

In a statement, the party revealed that Lubok Antu MP Jugah Muyang has been appointed vice-president, while Julau MP Larry Sng the chairman.

Others included in the list of office bearers include its Batang Lupar chief Abang Zulkifli Abang Engkeh as deputy chairman. Three new vice-chairperson are Miri MP Dr Michael Teo, Roland Engan and Japar Suyut.


Joshua Jabeng has been named secretary, while Abun Sui Anyit was appointed information and communication chief.

“Former Baram MP Harrison Ngau Liang has been appointed the bureau chief who deals with native customary rights (NCR) land,” Sarawak PKR said.

The new officer bearers were appointed following the recent sacking of former state PKR vice chairman See Chee How and secretary Vernon Kedit.

“The membership of former PKR Sarawak chairman Baru Bian was automatically terminated following his dismissal by the party central committee together with former PKR members, Saratok MP Ali Biju and Puncak Borneo MP Willie Mongin, during a political turmoil in late February,” the statement continued. — DayakDaily
