Sarawak CP denies viral news of police calling up customers of an eatery

Datuk Aidi Ismail

KUCHING, July 24: Sarawak police commissioner Datuk Aidi Ismail denies a social media posting stating that the police will go to eateries and call out the customers one by one to  confirm their details in the record books.

“With immediate effect authorities are intensifying checks on social distancing and compliance in eateries.

“Police checking coffeeshops, take the book out and start calling out one by one…then will ask your mobile number…


“If your details are not listed, saman RM300,” said the social media posting.

When referred the posting to Aidi, he said,”It is not true” in a WhatsApp reply to Dayakdaily.

According to Aidi, it is true that the police are conducting checks on eatery outlets to ensure that the customers are complying with set standard operating procedures (SOP).

“Police are stepping up enforcement as the number of positive Covid-19 cases in Sarawak has increased in the past few days, and a compound of RM1,000 will be issued to those who violated it,” he said. —DayakDaily
