ROSE kickstarts voters registration drive at Aeon Mall this weekend

Ann Teo

KUCHING, Nov 30: Rise of Social Efforts (ROSE) has embarked on its voters registration drive across the state in the city this weekend, in light of the next state election due in 2021.

The non-governmental organisation has set up a booth at Aeon Mall for two days (Nov 30- Dec 1), between 11am and 7pm to facilitate the registration process.

“It would take usually between four and six months for the Election Commission to process each new voter registration application.


“ROSE strongly encourages all Sarawakians aged 21 years and above who have yet to register themselves as a voter to do so,” ROSE chairperson Ann Teo said in a statement.

She added that although the constitutional amendment for Automatic Voter Registration and Qualifying age has been brought down to 18 years has been passed and gazetted, technically it has yet to be implemented and the anticipated date is July 2021.

“By such time however, the state elections might be held already. So, in order not to miss out on exercising your democratic rights as a citizen of Malaysia in the state of Sarawak, those 21 years and above are urged to apply to be a voter immediately,” she said.

Teo added that registration of new voters could be done at any post offices (including UTC), Election Commission (EC) offices, registration through ARO appointed by the EC including NGOs, universities and colleges, and political parties.

“Public can also register online through EC’s app,” she said.

For more details, she said the public can refer to ROSE Facebook page at — DayakDaily
