RM1.5 billion to improve road connectivity and water supply in Telang Usan and Mulu


By Peter Sibon

KUCHING, Aug 9: Most of the 83 settlements in Telang Usan constituency will get to enjoy better accessibility by road in the next two years with allocation amounting to RM750 million from the Highland Development Agency (HDA).

Telang Usan assemblyman Dennis Ngau pointed out that the state government had allocated RM1.5 billion to HDA and half of that amount was allocated to Telang Usan while the other half to Mulu constituency.


“The allocation for Telang Usan will be used for the construction of roads and water treatment plants. These initiatives will benefit some 50,000 people from 83 settlements, including longhouses and villages,” he told DayakDaily today.

Dennis, who is also a board member of HDA, disclosed that in the next two years starting from this year, there will be five major roads to be constructed, namely the Long Lama-Sub district Long Bedian Road; Long Lama-Long Liput Road; Long Lama-Longan Sibong Road, Lapok town-Long Puah Road Ulu Tinjar and the Uma Bawang-Daleh Long Pelutan junction Road.

“The roads will be based on JKR R1 standard which will be good enough for rural transportation. These roads will benefit some 50,000 people in the interior of Baram,” he emphasised, adding that in most cases, road upgrading would involve former logging roads.

Simultaneously, Dennis added that the state government, through HDA would also implement water treatment plants in six longhouses, namely at Long Bemang, Long San, Long Luyang, Long Pilah, Long Bedian and Daleh Long Pelutan.

“These areas are selected based on their needs with a combined population of more than 15,000 people,” he explained.

On politics, Dennis, who is a two-term assemblyman, pointed out that under the leadership of Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg, Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) would implement projects that will benefit the people throughout the state.

“We in GPS has always and will continue to do our utmost best for the people of Sarawak. We will not just make promises but promises that are within our means and power to deliver, ‘bukan omong-omong sahaja’ (not merely talking),” he said.

“The federal government should complement the state GPS government’s effort as that is their responsibility as the government of Malaysia. This is our pledged to the rakyat,” he stressed.

Meanwhile, Mulu assemblyman Dato Gerawat Gala emphasised that the vast amount of allocation were for road connectivity to upgrade abandoned logging roads which will link major settlements.

“With the implementation of these road projects, about 50 per cent of the area in Mulu constituency will be linked. We still have a long way to go as Mulu is such as big area,” he said when contacted.

Gerawat added that an allocation of RM150 million from the total budget will be used to implement water treatment plants in 13 areas, including the Mulu National Park.

He revealed that a study has been done for the new Bario airport which will cost more than RM250 million to implement in the next phase of development under HDA.— DayakDaily
