Riot vows to work to channel FDI into Sarawak, Serian

Riot (right) receiving a souvenir in the form of a fruit basket from Lim, in the presence of other dignitaries at the ceremony.

By Peter Sibon

KUCHING, June 16: The Prime Minister’s Special Envoy to Japan, South Korea and Taiwan Datuk Seri Richard Riot Jaem vows to bring more development to Serian by luring in investors from the three countries.

He reiterated that his main job scope was to bring in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) from these three countries to Malaysia in general and to Sarawak in particular.


“My job as the Prime Minister’s Special Envoy to Japan, South Korea and Taiwan is to lure investors from these three countries to Malaysia. And as a Sarawakian, I will try my very best to make sure that Sarawak is not left out.

“And as the Member of Parliament for Serian, I am sure that Serian will also be not left out. And of course, as a person who hails from Serian, I have to do a lot for Serian too,” Riot told a press conference after officiating at a ceremony to unveil Jalan Chung Hua here today.

“In the letter of appointment it is mentioned that my job is to lure in investors from Japan, South Korea and Taiwan to Malaysia.

“This is a heavy responsibility but I believe that I can deliver because with my previous experience as Deputy Foreign Minister for four years and later as a full Minister of Human Resources for five years, I am quite confident I can deliver,” he said.

He stressed that he still had good relationships with government officials from these countries.

“And I’m confident I can deliver as I still have strong contacts with some government officials from South Korea and Japan,” he said.

Riot also recorded his appreciation to Prime Minster Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin for his appointment.

He was appointed to his current post on May 13.

Riot, 68, has been Serian MP since 1990 and was a former Minister of Human Resources from 2013-2018. Prior to that he was Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Present at the ceremony were Bukit Semuja assemblyman John Ilus, Serian Resident Tuah Suni, Serian District Officer Lim Hock Meng, Serian District Council (MDS) secretary Constantine Jonas and Serian Bidayuh Temenggong Henry Bujang Sadok. — DayakDaily
