Reviving state’s economy: Rural devt agenda to be developed holistically

Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan

By Adrian Lim

KUCHING, May 31: The state government is committed to developing all sectors of the economy in Sarawak especially in the rural areas.

Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan in a statement asserted the rural development agenda will be pursued to enable rural folks to enjoy better lives and higher standards of living as part of the state governmentā€™s effort to revive the economy.


ā€œThe Sarawak government is committed to ensuring that all sectors of the economy is developed using a holistic approach.

ā€œThis includes the development agenda which will be implemented specifically in the rural areas.

ā€œWe want to enable the people to have a good quality of life and better standard of living.

ā€œAlthough Hari Gawai this year is celebrated within the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) period, I am sure that the community can celebrate the festival in a joyous mood and in high spirits while communicating with each other through social media platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and so forth.

ā€œThis is the new norm that we need to accept.

ā€œDuring the Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebration, those were the (social media) platforms that we used to bring some cheer and delight to our family members and loved ones,ā€ Awang Tengah who is International Trade and Industry, Industrial Terminal and Entrepreneur Development Minister highlighted.

He added that although the traditional practice of ā€œngabangā€ (visiting) is not allowed during the Gawai celebration this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, he believed ensuring quality time spent with family members is also important for the upcoming festival.

Thus, he hoped the Gawai celebration could foster greater relationships among all races from different beliefs, cultures and backgrounds.

Awang Tengah who is also Bukit Sari assemblyman believed the spirit of cooperation, self-respect and harmony reflects the true identity of Sarawakians.

At the same time, he extended his appreciation to frontliners who are working hard to ensure that Sarawak can break the chain of Covid-19 transmissions.

He urged the public to abide by the guidelines and rules of CMCO as well as standard operating procedures (SOPs) outlined by the federal and state governments to ensure that Sarawak is free from Covid-19.

“I wish that all of you be safe, look after yourself, look after your health during this Gawai festival.

ā€œSelamat Hari Gawai, Gayu Guru Gerai Nyamai,ā€ he added. ā€” DayakDaily
