Register as “Friends of TSI”, Sarawakians urged

TSI chairman Datuk John Tenewi (centre), together with other TSI members taking a group photo after launching its official website (

KUCHING, July 27: The Sarawak Initiatives (TSI) has called for Sarawakians to be part of the organisation in its efforts to lay the right foundations for a progressive and modern society in Sarawak.

Its chairman Datuk John Tenewi said TSI, a civil society that was set up on Feb 22 this year, has launched its official website ( today to allow Sarawakians to register themselves and support the non-governmental organisation (NGO).

“Launched today, five months after the NGO was set up, TSI is encouraging Sarawakians to be part of the organisation and support its struggles and objectives. Through the official website, visitors can register themselves as “Friends of TSI” to show their support for the organisation,” he said in a press statement today.


Tenewi noted, currently six videos are posted on the website, showing the work being pursued by TSI and what it represents for all Sarawakians, including its five specific objectives, with a global perspective, focusing on issues facing Sarawakians.

Among its objectives, he said, is to promote and help all Sarawakians attain a high level and standard of education, create a peaceful and harmonious living environment, cultivate good values and integrity, create a unique Sarawak identity based on Sarawak cultural diversities and also to create a healthy economy.

“TSI recently paid a courtesy call on Sarawak Minister of Education, Science and Technological Research Datuk Seri Michael Manyin Jawong to understand better, the state education policy,” he said, adding that TSI was happy to note that the ministry would be implementing the Cambridge syllabus and using English as the medium of instruction for five secondary schools in Sarawak.

“TSI is encouraging the Sarawak government to adopt the English language as the medium of instruction using the Cambridge syllabus or the IBO programme for all schools at the primary, secondary, and tertiary levels in Sarawak, while maintaining the mother tongue and our national language as compulsory subjects,” he added.

On the objective of creating a peaceful and harmonious living environment, Tenewi said that TSI would like the Sarawak government to pursue religious liberty and treat every religion as equal, as enshrined in the state constitution and in the articles of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.

According to Tenewi, TSI believes religion and politics must be separated as religion is a personal matter while politics is a public matter, and as Sarawak is a secular state in a pluralistic society, all religions are to be treated as equal.

“Abraham Lincoln once said, “that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”, and TSI is pursuing this philosophy that our government of the people, by the people and for the people, has to be incorruptible and all politicians have to carry out their duties and responsibilities with utmost integrity even when no one is watching.

“This includes a Sarawak identity, where Sarawakians have all the time cherished and accepted each other graciously and their friendships transcend time, race, religions, traditions and cultures in this Land of the Hornbills they call home.

“TSI believes it is time for Sarawakians to come together to create a “Sarawak Identity” based on our beautiful diversities. With a Sarawak identity, all Sarawakians will be more united and their bond and friendship will grow stronger,” he pointed out.

At the same time, Tenewi also welcomed experts in the field of History and Anthropology, Culture and Tradition, Music and Dance, Costume and Jewelleries, Art and Crafts, Folklores and Mythology, Poems and Literature, Occult and Mysticism, Choreography and Photography, Heritage and Legacies, including Cuisines and Culinary Art, to register their interest to participate in the creation of the Sarawak identity.

As for health economy, he said, Sarawak has a vast and varied natural resources and if these resources could be developed and managed properly, a strong and healthy economy with high income per capita could be built and there was no reason why anyone has to be poor.

“Recently TSI welcomed the setting up of the Sarawak Economic Action Council (SEAC) and urged Sarawakians to be prepared for one of the worst economic recessions that may become a depression due to the current Covid-19 pandemic.

“TSI believes that during a global economic recession, where demand for commodities and energy are greatly reduced, there is a need for Sarawak to work closely with the federal government on fiscal and monetary policies to ride out this recession,” he added. –DayakDaily.
