Reclaim all our rights, Sarawak government told

Ronald Jolly

KUCHING, July 28: Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) Senadin Division wants the state government to go all out to reclaim Sarawak’s rights as enshrined in the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63).

Its publicity chief, Ronald Jolly, emphasised that no time should be wasted in pursuing this matter.

“While diplomacy is still in play, the state government must now go all out to do whatever it takes to reclaim all that are rightfully ours as stated under MA63,” he said in a statement today.


Ronald said all Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) representatives must show Sarawakians they really “mean business”, and the state government must also “start thinking and acting as a sovereign state, well capable of self-governing”.

He claimed Sarawakians would stand behind the government if it was willing to listen to the rakyat.

“We should be more united as one voice and stop the bullying by outsiders. Let’s fight for Sarawak rights together!” said Ronald.

Stressing that the oil and gas resources belong to Sarawak and not Petronas, Ronald pointed out that Sarawak just wanted what it was promised, including for the federal government to honour the MA63 and Oil Mining Ordinance 1958 (OMO). — DayakDaily

