Pundit: GPS eager for State polls to seek people’s mandate

Professor Dr Jayum Jawan

By Lian Cheng

KUCHING, Oct 22: A political pundit maintains that Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) is running a government without the people’s mandate, resulting in its eagerness to hold the Sarawak Election.

To Prof Dr Jayum Jawan, a political scientist of University Putra Malaysia, despite this impatience to seek a new mandate, GPS has been put on the spot by the daily Covid-19 caseload in the State; which are now declining but still relatively high.


“The fact remains that the present ruling party, GPS, is running the State government on borrowed time. As a matter of fact, GPS does not have the people’s mandate to do so.

“In view of the above, GPS is eager to have the elections held as soon as possible. I only hope that in their eagerness for Sarawak to hold the elections, they do not forsake the health and safety of the people, the election workers and the candidates and their agents,” Jayum told DayakDaily.

He said in any event, Sarawak is under currently under the Emergency Ordinance and based on that, elections may only be held after February 2022 when the Emergency expires.

Despite this, he did not dismiss the possibility of the Sarawak Election being held sooner if the King were to withdraw the Emergency Ordinance and pave the way for the Election Commission to schedule an election as required under the law.

Jayum believed that the King, who has shown that he prioritise’s the people’s interests, will make the right decision with regards to the lifting of the Emergency.

“…one can be assured that His Majesty will act in the best interest of the people of Sarawak, as His Majesty has done on several occasions in the last several years when national politics get too intricate.

“The people of Sarawak are also looking to His Majesty to continue to exercise his wisdom on the matter,” said Jayum.

He believed that GPS may offer advice to the King as to the general status of the Covid-19 pandemic in Sarawak but he was also confident that that there are more non-partisan advice that His Majesty has access to.

“GPS’ advice cannot be taken alone as it is an interested party,” said Jayum, who opined that at this stage, the date of Sarawak Election was immaterial.

The Sarawak Legislative Assembly had expired on June 6, 2021, but it’s lifespan has been prolonged following the King’s declaration of the Emergency in view of the high Covid-19 cases in Sarawak this year. — DayakDaily
