Puncak Borneo PH machinery object to state BN parties joining PH

Willie Mongin

KUCHING, May 12: Supporters and volunteers involved with the Pakatan Harapan (PH) victory in the Puncak Borneo parliamentary seat object to Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) or any state Barisan Nasional (BN) component parties joining PH.

In the recently concluded 14th general election, Willie Mongin of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) succeeded in winning the Puncak Borneo parliamentary seat with a 4,005 majority in a three-cornered fight. He garnered 18,865 votes against Jeannoth Sinel (BN) who obtained 14,860 votes.

A volunteer, who wished to remain anonymous said: “We struggled and campaigned in the rural areas by eating fried ‘bilis gonjeng’ or ‘ikan masin’ (salted fish) while BN people had all the luxury to eat pork, chicken and other good fast food like KFC and McDonald’s. We had to pay for our own diesel, petrol and boat rental, while BN paid for all their supporters.


“When we were the opposition, we suffered so much humiliation and backstabbing. Puncak Borneo folks were deprived of basic development for years and lost their native customary right (NCR) lands to the hands of BN. We have fought so hard for this and now that BN has lost this seat, they want to join us?

“Their BN candidate (Jeannoth) is already a corrupted person. He allocated huge communal NCR lands to his family, friends and relatives instead of the original villagers after the survey was done. So no, we reject outright for state BN to join PH. We will not betray the voters and volunteers who worked under the rain or sun to make sure that PH won. God has heard our cries and installed non-corrupted leaders to rule the country,” he said.

It had been alleged that Jeannoth had committed abuse of power as a Land and Survey Department officer.

The volunteer added that Sarawakians were seeking for a change, and admitting state BN components parties would be going back to square one. Sarawak is just the beginning for PH to change and they looked forward to the coming state election in 2021.

He also said state Democratic Action Party (DAP) chairman Chong Chieng Jen and state PKR chairman Baru Bian are right to reject state BN.

“We also want the Pan Borneo Highway project to be reviewed. We must see to it that the 30 per cent Bumiputera packages are allocated in a fair manner, on equal value and not through dirt cheap pricing.”

He also hope that the PH government will remove and not renew the services of state governor Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud when his current term expires. The former chief minister has been accused of abusing his power and influence to enrich himself, his family and his cronies at the expense of the state, although he has not been charged nor convicted in court.

“Taib must be brought to justice. He must return all the NCR lands that he has allocated to his cronies and family members. Now it is the time for us to say no to Sarawak BN and Taib.” — DayakDaily
