PRS’ tradition to work with others with sincerity, dedication does not mean subservience, says president

Salang (left sixth, first row) and PRS top leaders cutting a cake to celebrate the party's 19th anniversary in a local restaurant here on Oct 20, 2023.

By Lian Cheng and Ling Hui

BINTULU, Oct 20: Parti Rakyat Sarawak’s (PRS) tradition of working together with other component parties with sincerity and dedication does not mean that the party is subservient to the component parties of Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS), but that it is honest in the pursuit of unity among the governing parties.

PRS president Datuk Joseph Salang Gandum clearly pointed out the party’s stand during its 19th Anniversary Dinner celebrated in a local restaurant here this evening.


He reiterated PRS’ stand after congratulating two of the party’s top leaders, namely its deputy president Dato Sri John Sikie Tayai and vice president Dato Sri Aaron Ago Dagang who were recently awarded the honorary titles of ‘Dato Sri’.

Salang speaking on stage at PRS’ 19th Anniversary held at a local restaurant in Bintulu on Oct 20, 2023.

“It is very fitting for PRS to have two recipients for Dato Sri titles this year, because it shows how dedicated and how close we are with the governing parties and that is Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) in Sarawak.

He said since PRS joined the ruling coalition in 1994 as Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak (PBDS), the party had shown dedication and sincerity.

“This is the tradition, as your party president, to continue to practice and to continue to show to our partners.

“This does not mean that we are subservient to our component parties. We are not subservient to anybody but we are honest in our pursuit for unity among the governing parties, a unity that will ensure all parties will achieve the necessary progress in terms of development, be it physical or be it mental, and we must be part of it.

“We should not be afraid ourselves and we should not raise anything that may cause suspicion,” said Salang.

Salang (left fourth, first row) and PRS top leaders calling for a toast to celebrate the party’s 19th anniversary in a local restaurant here on Oct 20, 2023.

Meanwhile, organising chairman Datuk Majang Renggi who is also Infrastructure and Port Development Deputy Minister said for the past 19 years, the party has gone through thick and thin with its members together.

“However, PRS is able to meet all these challenges and even as our party is maturing, we are able to move forward and grow stronger since its establishment in 2004. PRS remains intact, strong and resilient and even continues to receive support from the public, especially the youth,” said Majang, whose speech was read by deputy organising chairman Datuk Kennedy Chukpai Ugon who is also Murum assemblyman.

Majang took the opportunity to call on members of PRS to maintain the spirit of undivided cooperation with the component parties in GPS namely Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB), Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) and Progressive Democratic Party (PDP).

He held that a good political relationship with other component parties will further strength PRS especially in the next Sarawak Election and General Election. — DayakDaily
