PRS’ Janang to modernise Julau’s agriculture if nominated and chosen by voters

Dato Ir Janang Bungsu

By Roslan Mutu

KUCHING, Oct 24: Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) secretary-general Dato Janang Bungsu says if he were to be nominated for Julau, he would help to modernise the district, especially in the agriculture sector.

“Certain areas in Julau have been left behind in terms of development as I have been moving on the ground for more than a year or so. I normally go around with YB Rolland (Meluan assemblyman Rolland Duat Jubin). There is a need for intensive development infrastructure for Julau,” he told DayakDaily when contacted.


Janang said as a consulting engineer and by getting involved in infrastructure projects in Sarawak, such as the Pan Borneo Highway and water supply, there was still much more to be done in Julau.

“As you know, telecommunication is very important. It is no longer a luxury but a necessity,” said Janang, who is a board member of the Sarawak Digital Economy Corporation (SDEC).

Additionally, Janang reiterated that a good relationship with the two assemblymen (Rolland and Pakan assemblyman Tan Sri William Mawan Ikom) was crucial to developing the district faster.

“I believe that if this happens (if he is nominated as a GPS candidate), we can put up a master plan for Julau’s development inclusive of Meluan and Pakan, and at the same time, we also must prioritise the urgent needs of the people,” he said.

Janang, who is from Julau, said Julau’s basic source of income still derives from agriculture, especially pepper.

“But to excel, we need to change the method of doing agriculture activities. Basically, we need to modernise the agriculture sector and speed up infrastructure development in Julau. With these two activities in mind, we will kickstart major development for the people,” added Janang.

In the last general election, PRS candidate Datuk Joseph Salang Gandum lost to independent candidate Datuk Larry Sng by 1,931 votes. Sng is now the president of Parti Bangsa Malaysia (PBM). — DayakDaily
