Poverty no excuse for not going to school, aid available at Dayak Cultural Foundation

Uggah speaking at DTTAS' Ngilling Bidai event held at Penview Convention Centre Demak here today (June 11, 2022).

By Ling Hui

KUCHING, June 11: Poverty is not an excuse for not going to school, says Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas.

He said the Sarawak government provides many financial assistance including the Dayak Cultural Foundation which has aimed to help Sarawakians including the Dayak to access to education.


“Education brings us to where we are today. Education helps us to break out of poverty. So, let us do whatever we can to see that our future generations are given the best education there is, so that they will have their own opportunities.

“If you have problem with finance, for us Dayak, we have the Dayak Cultural Foundation. There are a lot of assistance. Our doors are always open,” he said when attending the the Dayak Think-Tank Association Sarawak (DTTAS) Ngilling Bidai event at Penview Convention Centre Demak here today.

Meanwhile, Uggah agreed to channel RM150,000 to the Dayak Think-Tank Association Sarawak (DTTAS) for them to organise progammes that are beneficial to the Dayak community.

He said the upcoming Education Roadshow 2022 by DTTAS has a noble cause, which is to equip the unemployed in the rural areas with necessary skills.

“Nowadays, with Form 5 (education background), it is not easy to get a job. Therefore the Sarawak government has a lot of skill training programs and I hope you all can participate,” he said.

Accompanying Uggah were his wife Datin Amar Datu Doreen Mayang and the acting director of Agriculture Sarawak Dominic Chunggat. — Dayakdaily
