Political pundit to Fed govt: Give Dayaks and Dusuns what they want, declare Gawai Dayak, Tadau Kaamatan as national public holidays

Dato Peter Minos

by Marlynda Meraw

KUCHING, Feb 20: Political pundit Dato Peter Minos opines that Gawai Dayak and Tadau Kaamatan should be declared as national public holiday

In response to the recent call made by non-governmental organisations (NGOs), Minos saidin his statement today, “Give them (Dayaks and Dusuns) a break,” in support of Dayaks and Dusuns who are dismayed by the Federal government’s inaction regarding this matter.


He emphasised that both the Dayaks and Dusuns have made substantial contributions toward national development and many had also sacrificed their lives in defending the country.

“It (the celebration of Gawai Dayak and Tadau Kaamatan) is a part of their lives. Part of their history, heritage, and culture. And it is their pride and dignity, as well as their identity,” Minos attested.

He questioned that if both the Sarawak and Sabah government can recognise Gawai Dayak and Tadau Kaamatan as a public holiday, then why not the Federal government.

To him, they (Dayaks and Dusuns) are in full support of this motion and hope that the federal government will come to a decision by the end of this year.

Gawai Dayak as well as Tadau Kaamatan are held annually by the Dayaks and Dusuns to commemorate a bountiful harvest, and it is celebrated on June 1 and May 31, respectively. — DayakDaily
